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" life is a long lesson in humility "


Environmental Graphic Project / Moo Por Dee Brand (Client)

“Moo Por Dee” was a brand that sold different kinds of meat including pork, chicken, duck and so on. This butcher shop has many branches for more than 10 shops all around Nakhon Sawan province such as Nong Bua Lamphu district, Tar Kee district. The shop has the vision to serve the best butcher in affordable prices for the customers which are mostly ordinary people in the province. The shop also tries to sell the variety of ingredients that are used for the cooking process such as vegetables, processed food, frozen food, seasoning or even the drink. Moo Por Dee shops intend to make their customers receive the most convenient in order to purchase all of the ingredients for cooking their happy meals, so this shop can consider as all in one shop.



Since at the beginning the brand did not consider the design graphic of the shop at all, so the shop in every branch came with the normal shop without any environmental graphic elements. However, after a while, Moo Por Dee had the business competitors beside their shop which tend to be the large capitalist. Competitors shop coming with the nice environmental graphic design both on the shop itself or even on the infographic. Hence, Moo Poor Dee decided to upgrade their brand beginning with the corporate identity and the environmental graphic of the shop.


The most challenging part for the creator is about the brief, so Moo Poor Dee wants to advance their shop but still wants to keep the senses that need to be easy going or matches with the ordinary people. More than that, the creator was not having a lot of chances to scout the location, meaning all working processes mostly needed to be done through online platform meetings.


Since the client is not familiar with the design field or landscape, it takes a lot of time for the creator to make sure that we are all at the same page about the brief and visual outcome that the client expects. The creator needs to do the research about the visual references and at the same time need to advise the client in detail about each design direction, such as whether the design matches with the target audience or their vision or not, how much it takes time for each design direction and so on.


In addition, the creator did not have a chance to go scout the location. Therefore, the creator needs a good plan of communication with the client, on-site technician or even the printing sign shop. Since, doing work from online it is much more difficult to estimate the sizing of each sign or about the positioning. Hence, the creator needs to put a lot of effort in order to work on the accuracy.


Target  Audience

Ordinary or local people / Moo Por Dee Brand

Production Details

The production details of this project begin by research about the brand story, their vision, mission and pain points that they are facing which is about the improving on environmental graphic of their shop. After that the creator need to researching about the visual references and art direction that matching with the brief from the client. Then, on the working process the creator always communication with many team, client, technician and the printing sign shop to make sure that everyone are on the same page. Last but not least, every week the creator will do online meeting with the client in order to update the work and critique feedback.



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